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Email Security
Business Systems Security: Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Business Systems Security: Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Securing your business infrastructure is a key component to running your business. But is the level of security you get from your internet service provider enough? It may be enough for starters, but as your business grows you will need to add additional components to safeguard the critical information that your operation depends on to prosper.

The key to ensuring security is, first of all, not to assume that all is well until the worst happens –theft of private customer data, even viral corruption of your entire system. That is, being proactive to help prevent disaster, rather than reacting to it after it happens.

Maybe you already have in place the common security measures such as automatic computer updates and standard anti-virus software. Please understand these measures are the minimum standard. To make sure your business operations are as bullet-proof as possible, you’ll need more ammo than just the operating system updates and anti-virus software.

Additional steps should be taken above the baseline security. As we said before, being proactive is much better than having to react to an unexpected breach or failure. The following items are the most important and the ones that get missed the most:

Firewall System

Using a firewall system for your business is the first line of defense. This is a must that every business should implement. There are many firewalls out there in all price ranges, and your IT consultant can help you find the right one for your needs. Here are some benefits that you can expect from a firewall system:

• Prevents Hacking
• Stops Spyware
• Promotes Privacy
• Stops Virus Attacks

Email Security Solution

Adding an Email Security Solution to your current email method is another line of defense. Here you are protecting your data and preventing any hacks that can be done via email. I think we all have been exposed to receiving phishing emails and getting spammed. Having an email security solution will help you avoid this.

Data Backup System

Imagine what would happen to your business if you were to lose all your data. It’s the stuff of nightmares! There have been cases where businesses have gone out of business because they didn’t have a solid backup solution in place. A data backup system will ensure that you can recover your business’s data and keep your operation running smoothly.

Find Out how Managed IT can help

A huge item where business owners are tempted to cut or to avoid altogether is teaming up with an IT consultant to oversee and manage their infrastructure. Yes, it’s a cost, but there are options that can fit into most budgets. And where the success of your business is concerned, internet security is one area where it does not pay to cut corners.

If you’d like help on implementing IT security solutions, Contact Us and let us help you with a free consultation. We also provide free trials on most of our software, so you can try them first.

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