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Does My Business Need a Professional Email Address?

Professional Email: Essential for Your Business?

Some businesses make poor decisions in choosing a free email service like Yahoo!, Gmail, etc. for their business. These email providers provide those email services free of charge, as it’s meant for personal use. Yes, they provide two-factor authentication and basic security functions, good enough for the regular consumer to use – but once you have a business and you need an email system, those free services are NOT enough to be used commercially. A professional email address is essential for your business.

Let’s break this down and go through some facts.

Required By Law

Depending on your type of business, you may be required by law to have certain security measures in place for your email system. Any medical office or any business that deals with customer confidential data is required by law to have certain security in place for email systems. If you have a business, please check with an IT expert to advise you on what you need. Please don’t assume that any regular email service can be used for business transactions. (For more on internet security, see the link to the security blog).

First Impressions Matter

Additionally, a free email service may be fine for your personal email, but will it be good enough to represent your business at a professional level? Your business email address is seen by potential clients and customers, goods and service providers, other professionals, and whoever you communicate with on behalf of your business. What impression do you want it to make?

For example, let’s say you need to get your computer fixed and you’re searching the web for repair companies. You narrow it down to two possibles, and the contact emails are:



Which address impresses you more? Which one looks more professional? Does the word “Support” add value to the impression? All other things being equal, which one might you choose to contact first?

It seems like a win-win to give your business a custom domain name that will attract more customers and provide a more professional calling card for your business.

Getting it Done

You don’t need a degree in internet technology to create a custom domain name for your business.

You can get a domain name for only a few bucks a year from services like Godaddy, Network Solutions, BlueHost, etc… what we call a domain name registrar.

Once you have your domain name, now you have to pick an email solution. Some of these domain name registrars will give you options to add on email for an additional cost.

Some of them partner up with Google or with Microsoft which offers Microsoft 365. We’ll leave which one is the better solution for another post but, at the end of the day, those are the biggest players in the game and both will get the job done.

Even More Reasons

Your domain is then a virtual space that you own, and you can expand it as much as you like. Aside from setting up your email, you can set up your business website to market your services or even sell online. From there, you can keep adding more components as your business demands.

Think of it as an investment and/or as a tool that you need for the growth of your business.

If you want a business email but need some assistance, you can Contact Us at Boltacity, and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

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